Choosing a Title for Competition

Once an Applicant becomes a Contestant, she will be assigned a title under which she will compete in the State Pageant. These titles are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. They can be your hometown (Atlanta), your county (Cobb County), or “Catch phrase” titles such as Volunteer State, Peach State, Scenic City, etc. So, the sooner you return this form with your registration fee, the sooner your title can be assigned. Every effort will be made to give you one of your top three choices. If none of your choices are available, you will be contacted, and we will work with you to find a title that you like. Remember, you can use this title for obtaining sponsorships and the competition only. You will receive a competition banner on pageant weekend, but you can also purchase a custom sash with your official title. You can not use the title after the pageant is over.

These titles are awesome, and come in very handy. They make the pageant competition more fun, as it helps the audience and press know where each contestant is from. Also, they can be valuable tools to you as you solicit sponsorships from your local communities! We encourage all of the contestants to use the title during the months leading up to the state pageant in promoting themselves, and raising their sponsorship money. Upon our receipt of this form and your Registration Fee, you will be notified of your title and your Official Registration Packet will be mailed to you! Congratulations on making this exciting decision and welcome aboard!

My Title Requests are:

All fees are non-refundable

Titles are only to be used in conjunction with the state pageant. I understand that if promoting myself using the title, I should state that I am competing in the state pageant representing the area I have chosen.